Showing posts with label HSC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HSC. Show all posts

Wednesday 11 August 2021

12th English Question Paper Pattern & Question Bank, Maharashtra Board

 12th English Question Paper Pattern and Question Bank         (New Syllabus) 

12th English Question Paper Pattern (New Syllabus)   Maharashtra Board

HSC English Question Paper Pattern (New Syllabus) in PDF format

Download the Question Paper format of English (New Syllabus) in PDF format from the below links

Download Question Paper Pattern

12th English Question Bank (New Syllabus)  by SCERT 

HSC English Question Bank (New Syllabus) in PDF format

Download the Question Bank of English (New Syllabus) in PDF format from the below links

Monday 2 August 2021

2.5 Father Returning Home - PPT

 2.5 Father Returning Home  - PPT

Kindly click the following  link to download the PPT on the poem Father Returnig Home by Dilip Chitre

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Activity on Unit 6.1 Nation's Strength

Q.Read the given extract and do all the activities that follow.
                      What makes a nation’s pillars high
                      And it’s foundations strong?
                      What makes it mighty to defy
                      The foes that round it throng?

                       It is not gold. Its kingdoms grand
                       Go down in battle shock;
                       Its shafts are laid on sinking sand,
                       Not on abiding rock.

                       Is it the sword? Ask the red dust
                      Of empires passed away;
                      The blood has turned their stones to rust,
                      Their glory to decay.

A.1  Point Out                                                                                                                            (2)
        Point out the expressions from the extract that state:

       i) material wealth does not make the nation powerful and safe

       ii) rich kingdoms have been defeated and destroyed.

Ans :   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



A.2 Poetic Devices :                                                                                                                     (2)
                 'Their glory to decay'
       Name the figure of speech in the above line and find out the another example of the same.

Ans: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



A.3 Personal Response :                                                                                                               (2)
       Explain your idea of a developed country.



A.4 Poetic Creativity:                                                                                                                   (2)
        Ask the red dust, is it sword?
        of empires passed away;
       Their glory to decay.

            The word order in the first line changed. Now complete the third line 
             to rhyme with the first line

Ans : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Sunday 28 July 2019

Activity Sheet on ' A TALE FOR MANY CITIES'

3.3 A Tale for many cities

                                                 Activity Sheet -01                 (HSC, July-2019, SET-C)

Q.1 (A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities:                (12)

A1. Choose-
  Choose two sentences that appropriately mention the main idea of the extract:
  1. Lack of planning and inadequate implementation of system in city development is the cause of poor quality of cities.
  2. Urban renewal programme is updated frequently depending on changing needs of its people.
  3. The citizens are not pro-actively involved when evolving master plans.
  4. This extract concerns with protection and conservation of heritage.


(Extract -Our urban planners------------------- educational and healthcare facilities too.
Page-63, 64.)

A2. Find out-
 Find out suggestions for good development of a city from the extract :
  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A3. Guess-
Read the following sentence:
          ‘The citizens need to involve pro-actively when evolving master plans.’  
The sentence means--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A4. Vocabulary –
Give opposite meanings of the following words from the extract:

  1. decrease          X       ------------------------------
  2. functional        X       ------------------------------
  3. remember        X       ------------------------------
  4. unaffordable    X       ------------------------------
A5. Personal Response–

Suggest your ideas to change your city into a smart city.

A6. Grammar-

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed:

  1. It needs to preserve and protect its heritage.
(Rewrite the sentences using ‘not only------------- but also’.)

  1. A city must provide equity.
(Rewrite the sentences using another modal auxiliary showing ‘ability’)

HSC Board examination, July 2019 Que.paper, SET-C.

Sunday 21 July 2019

Activity on Unit 3.4 Amachi Mumbai and I

Unit 3.4  Amachi Mumbai and I        

Activity :01

Q.5 (A) Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities.

A1. Complex factual/ Global understanding:
  1. Write down the attractions of the following places with the information in the extract.
Asiatic library


Wilson College



A1. Match the expressions under column ‘A’ with those of under column ‘B’:

Rainy season

 The narrator’s old friends
Palm trees

b. The narrator’s friend

c. The narrator arrived in Mumbai
The sea

d. Symbolize elasticity and humility

                                     Extract Page 68 & 69 (Like any other-------------everyday)

A2. Describe:
  1. Describe the activities that the writer enjoyed in Mumbai.

A3. Complete:

    Complete the following sentence:

      The writer bids adieu because----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


A4. Vocabulary:

    Give one word for the following from the passage:

    1. appear suddenly :---------------------------------
    2. Very impressive  :---------------------------------
    3. attracted  :------------------------------------------
    4. making thorough research :---------------------

A5. Personal Response:

      'Mumbai' is known as a 'cosmopolitan city'. Explain.




A6.  Grammar:
        1. I enjoyed so many performances.
                                                      ( Rewrite using 'used to' )       { March-2014}


     2. They are teaching lessons of resilience and flexibility.
                                                            ( Change the voice)



Thursday 18 July 2019

3.1 SUBURBS, Activity sheet -02


  Q.1 (A) Read the the extract and do all the activities that follows.                       (08)

                        ( “ We heroes and poor devils---------------------------
                           ---------------------------------- their names)

A 1. Factual Understanding                                                                                          (2)

    Make a list of the words which are used to show greater achievements from the extract.

  1. ---------------------------------            3. -------------------------------------------------
  2. ----------------------------------           4. -------------------------------------------------

A2. Poetic Device                                                                                                            (2)    
                           "We heroes and poor devils."
                     (Identify the figure of speech in the above line and explain it.)


                                      "--or of a shy hotel for travellers."
                     (Identify the figure of speech in the above line and explain it.)

A3. Personal Response                                                                                                   (2)

       ‘The middle class people in suburbs are treated with less importance’. Explain.

                   A.4. Poetic Creativity                                                                                                    (2)

           Compose two poetic lines of your own using the poetic device ‘Alliteration’

Sunday 14 July 2019

Activity sheet- on Text-3.1 SUBURBS

3.1. Suburbs

  Q.1 (A) Read the the extract and do all the activities that follows.                 (08)                       

I celebrate the virtues and vices
of suburban middle-class people
who overwhelm the refrigerator
and position colourful umbrellas
near the garden that longs for a pool:
for my middle-class brother
this principle of supreme luxury:
what are you and what am I, and we go on deciding
the real truth in this world.

The truth of that dream we buy on credit
of not going to the office on Saturday, at last,
and the merciless bosses whom the worker
manufacturers in indivisible granaries
where executioners were always born
and grow up and always multiply.

A 1. Factual Understanding                                                                                    (2)

   Complete the list of luxurious objects mentioned in the extract

Ans    1) -----------------------  2) ----------------      3)  -----------------   4) ------------------------- 

                  A2. Poetic Device                                                                                                        (2)

                                "I celebrate the virtues and vices."
                         (Identify the figure of speech in the above line and explain it.)

                     Ans:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                   A.3. Personal Response                                                                                              (2)

                            Explain the life of middle class people in the cities.
                                          ( Prepare your own answer)
                    Ans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  A.4.  Poetic Creativity                                                                                                  (2)

                                                "---- and the merciless bosses whom the workers
manufacturers in indivisible granaries
where executioners were always born
and grow up and always multiply.

           ( Change the WORD ORDER  in the third line of the extract  to rhyme with first line of                  the extract )

Ans :   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                                   Expected Model Answers
A 1. Factual Understanding                                                                                          (2)

        luxurious objects mentioned in the extract

Ans    1. Refrigerator         2. Colourful umbrellas      3. Garden    4) Pool  (swimming pool

                  A2. Poetic Device                                                                                                            (2)   

                  Ans:  Figure of Speech-    Paradox
                                     The Statement appears to contradict itself and seems unusual and unexpected as  we                             cannot celebrate vices.

                   A.3. Personal Response

                            Explain the life of middle class people in the cities.
                                          ( Prepare your own answer)
                  A.4.  Poetic Creativity 

                                                "---- and the merciless bosses whom the workers
manufacturers in indivisible granaries
where there were always born executioners 
and grow up and always multiply.


History of Novel MCQ Test-05

  Unit 4.1 History of Novel - MCQs Maharashtra State Board, English Yuvakbharati Class-12  History of Novel MCQs -Class 12 The History of No...