Showing posts with label Writing Skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing Skills. Show all posts

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Framing Interview Questions Class-11&12


Framing Interview Questions

Imagine, you are going to interview of a ------------------- Prepare a set of 8-10 questions focusing on his / her career.


                            Common Questionnaire 

    Welcome sir/madam, good morning, glad to meet you. I would like to ask you some                 questions.

1 When did you start your Career?

Who encouraged you?

3 What is your contribution in this field?

4 What are your achievements?

5 What problems/difficulties/challenges did you face?

6 What are your future plans? 

7 Who are your role models? 

8 How do you feel now?

9 How would you serve society in future?10 To whom would you dedicate your success?

11 How would you inspire the young students?

12 What message would  like to give to the next generation?


  Thank, you sir / Madam for sharing

your thoughts, ideas, plans, achievements. Thank you for the valuable time you have given. All the best for your future plans. Good day.


         Imagine, you are going to interview of a National Award Winner Teacher’. Prepare a set of 8-10 questions focusing on his / her career.

  Good Morning sir. You are most welcome. I would like to ask you some questions.

 Q.1 How do you look at your profession?

Q. 2 Who was your favorite teacher during your school days? Why?

Q. 3 What difficulties did you face as a teacher?

Q. 4 What things motivated you to become a teacher?

Q. 5 How would you define an “Ideal Teacher’?

Q. 6 Who are your role models?

Q. 7 How would you serve society in future by teaching career?

Q. 8 What role would this award play in your life?

Q. 9 How do you feel now?

Q. 10 What is your message to the students as well as teachers?

    Thank you, sir, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. All the best for your future plans. 


Q. Prepare eight questions to take an interview of a well known social worker.

 Good Morning sir. You are most welcome. I would like to ask you some questions.

1.How did you turn to social work?

2.Who inspired you to start social work?

3.How much time do you spend for social work?

4.Who is your idol in this field?

5.Are you happy with the present situation in your field?

6.Who help you in your work?

7.What different activities are you engaged in?

8.What message would you give to us?

     Thank you, sir, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. All the best for your future plans. 


Q. Prepare eight questions to take an interview of a well known Doctor

    Good Morning sir. You are most welcome. I would like to ask you some questions.

1.When did you start your career?

2.Who motivated you to become a doctor?

3.How much time do you spend for your work?

4.Whose work in your field do you inspire most?

5.What kinds of changes do you expect in medical field?

6.Who help you in your work?

7.What different activities are you engaged in?

8.Which is your memorable incident in your field?

9.What type of life style do you adopt to remain healthy?

10.What message would you like to give us?

    Thank you, sir, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. All the best for your future plans. 





Friday, 4 October 2019

An Activity on Unseen Passage

Q.2 A) Read the following extract, read the first activity and do all the activities given below:                                                                                                                  
A1. Complete                                                                                                                              (2)
     Complete the following statement:
According to the writer the education means,

1.     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Education is not all about studying and getting good marks. It is really nice to discover new things and increase our knowledge. Education is light of our life. Education is movement from darkness to light. It is the key feature to a bright future. It gives our thinking a different appearance and helps us keep away on our darkness and ignorance. It leads us to the path of the success.
    Un-educated people can be easily cheated, be-fooled. Many people in our country do not receive education because of poverty, lack of educational facilities or social conditions especially in case of girls. Education helps us in boosting up confidence, at the same time it opens new doors of success. Knowledge is never waste. Learning process must not end until death. If a man is educated the only individual is educated. But if a woman is educated the whole family is educated this will help to change the society as well as whole. Government also has taken up many programs for this purpose.
 An educated person has ability to differentiate between right and wrong. It is our foremost priority of a society to educate it's citizens. Focus should be on women's education because knowledge of women can bring change in a family and the society as a whole.
We must realize the importance of education. We must ensure that each citizen of our nation is educated, because education makes man perfect.

A2. Read the following statements and write down two statements which explain the theme of            the  extract                                                                                                                                (2)

1.     Education is studying books, passing exams and getting good grades.
2.     Education is continuous progress.
3.     Education is enlightenment and movement towards progress.
4.     Woman education is important for the social change.

A3. Give Reasons
  Education leads us to the path of success because                                                                (2)

A4. Vocabulary:                                                                                                                           (2)

  Find out the antonyms of the following words from the extract      
  1. Wise                  X     --------------------------------------
  2. Darkness           X     --------------------------------------
  3. Knowledge       X    ---------------------------------------
  4. Part                   X    ---------------------------------------

A5. Personal Response:                                                                                                               (2)
           Write any four advantages of education.


A6. Grammar:                                                                                                                                (2)
           Do as directed

1.     We must realize importance of education    
                                     (Rewrite using ‘should’ ) 
2.      Education helps us in boosting up confidence, at the same time it opens new doors of success.                                                                       (Rewrite using ‘as well as’)

(B)  Write the brief summary of the above extract with help of the points given below and suggest a  suitable title                                                                                                              (3)

Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Tourist Leaflet

Q.4 Write a short tourist leaflet on any one of the Hill Station you like with
        the help of the following points.
 1)    How to go there?  2) Where to stay?   3) What to see?
4)    Anything special about the place?  
                                                                  (HSC 2018, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2000)

Mahabaleshwar: The Beautiful Hill Station

        Mahabaleshwar: The Paradise on the Earth, with its picturesque beauty and refreshing ambience is situated in the Sahyadri ranges in Satara district in Maharashtra.

How to go there?
Mahabaleshwar, being a famous hill station and a traveler spot is well connected with all major cities in Maharashtra.
 i.By Road: There are S.T.buses and private buses available from Pune, Nashik, Mumbai and Kolhapur.
ii. By Rail: The nearest railway station is Pune .
iii.By Air : The nearest airport is also Pune.

Where to stay?
Being a famous traveler spot, there are many hotels and resorts in Mahabaleshwar.
Besides, MTDC hotels and guest houses are also available.

What to see?
Mahabaleshwar proffers wonderful and fresh surroundings with green foliage, steep    hills and rock cut mountains. There are many tourist attractions to enjoy in Mahabaleshwar.
1)    Arthur’s Seat   2) Dhobi waterfall  3) Venna Lake 4) Falkland Point
5) Sunset Point   6) Cannaught Peak etc.

Anything Special of the Place?
Mahabaleshwar is famous for strawberry and fruit products. Honey, chikki, decorative articles, sticks etc. are the shopping attractions of this place.

                                 “COME AND ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS…”


Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Application Letter

 Format of the Application Letter

                                                                                                           (Applicant's address)
                                                                                                                      Date :--------------------------
( Receivers address)

                            Subject :- Application for the post of a ----- (Name of the post)-----------------

                             Ref : - Your advertisement in the Daily ----(News paper name) dated---------

Respected Sir/ Dear sir,

            With reference to your advertisement mentioned above, I wish to apply /I would like  to apply for the  post of a ---Name of the post----- in your well known institute/college/company.
           I have completed my post graduation in-------- with -----(grade/class) from Shivaji University Kolhapur. Also, I have passed --(Name of the course/ degree)  in---(year) with -----(grade/class). Besides, I have completed ---(Name of the computer course).  I hold the certificate of -( name of the certificate course if any) .                                
           If selected, I will work with  devotion and dedication. I hope you will consider my application favourably  and oblige.

          Thank you, 

                                                                                                                       Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                  (Name of the applicant)

1. Resume
2. Xerox  of ---------------certificate.   ( Xerox copies of courses mentioned in the application)
3. Xerox of ---------------certificate.
4. Xerox  of ------------- certificate.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

History of Novel MCQ Test-05

  Unit 4.1 History of Novel - MCQs Maharashtra State Board, English Yuvakbharati Class-12  History of Novel MCQs -Class 12 The History of No...