Sunday 14 July 2019

Activity sheet- on Text-3.1 SUBURBS

3.1. Suburbs

  Q.1 (A) Read the the extract and do all the activities that follows.                 (08)                       

I celebrate the virtues and vices
of suburban middle-class people
who overwhelm the refrigerator
and position colourful umbrellas
near the garden that longs for a pool:
for my middle-class brother
this principle of supreme luxury:
what are you and what am I, and we go on deciding
the real truth in this world.

The truth of that dream we buy on credit
of not going to the office on Saturday, at last,
and the merciless bosses whom the worker
manufacturers in indivisible granaries
where executioners were always born
and grow up and always multiply.

A 1. Factual Understanding                                                                                    (2)

   Complete the list of luxurious objects mentioned in the extract

Ans    1) -----------------------  2) ----------------      3)  -----------------   4) ------------------------- 

                  A2. Poetic Device                                                                                                        (2)

                                "I celebrate the virtues and vices."
                         (Identify the figure of speech in the above line and explain it.)

                     Ans:  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                   A.3. Personal Response                                                                                              (2)

                            Explain the life of middle class people in the cities.
                                          ( Prepare your own answer)
                    Ans: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  A.4.  Poetic Creativity                                                                                                  (2)

                                                "---- and the merciless bosses whom the workers
manufacturers in indivisible granaries
where executioners were always born
and grow up and always multiply.

           ( Change the WORD ORDER  in the third line of the extract  to rhyme with first line of                  the extract )

Ans :   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




                                                   Expected Model Answers
A 1. Factual Understanding                                                                                          (2)

        luxurious objects mentioned in the extract

Ans    1. Refrigerator         2. Colourful umbrellas      3. Garden    4) Pool  (swimming pool

                  A2. Poetic Device                                                                                                            (2)   

                  Ans:  Figure of Speech-    Paradox
                                     The Statement appears to contradict itself and seems unusual and unexpected as  we                             cannot celebrate vices.

                   A.3. Personal Response

                            Explain the life of middle class people in the cities.
                                          ( Prepare your own answer)
                  A.4.  Poetic Creativity 

                                                "---- and the merciless bosses whom the workers
manufacturers in indivisible granaries
where there were always born executioners 
and grow up and always multiply.


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