Monday 20 August 2018

Activity- 01 on Unit-3.2 Where Have All the Birds Gone?

               3.2 Where Have All the Birds Gone?     
                                                                     ACTIVITY -01

Q.1 (A) Read the first activity. Read the extract and then do all the activities.                         (12)                                                                                                          
A.1.  Complete :
  Complete the following table:                                                                                                        (2)
Time to visit
Place of shelter


(Extract – It is April ----------------- to captivate me.) Page: 54, 55

A2.Findout                                                                                                                                          (2)                                                                                              
 Find out four changes that the writer notices in ‘this summer’.

A3.  Interpretation :                                                                                                                         (2)                                 
' Vishupakshi  and  other birds are not seen in Kerala.' Explain.
 A4.Vocabulary.                                                                                                                                  (2)                                                                     
   Match the adjectives in column A with their nouns in column B .
1.      Young and ripe

a)      legs
2.      strong

b)      sight
3.      hard

c)      stalks
4.      beautiful

d)     trunks

 A5. Personal Response:                                                                                                                   (2)                                                                                                                           
  Suggest some initiatives  to save birds.
  A6. Grammar                                                                                                                                  (2) 
 Do as directed. 
   1) These little birds would land on the paddy.           (Rewrite it using ‘used to’)
  2)  They would come to the fields.
                                         (Rewrite it using the Modal Auxiliary which expresses 'Probability' )


  1. Thanks Sir for making this English Activity Manual available to all Students & Teachers.I am sure that these all activities will definitely help us to score more in our upcoming Board Examination.

  2. Thank you sir for this activity


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