Wednesday 23 June 2021


                                                            12th Std English 

                                    An Astrologer's Day by R.K.Narayan

Introduction :

    An Astrologer's Day is a short story written by renowned novelist and creator of Malgudi R.K.Narayan. An Astrologer's Day is packed with suspense, thrill and irony. For more details download the activity sheet on An Astrologer's Day.

                      1.1 AN ASTROLOGER'S DAY - ACTIVITY SHEET

Kindly click the following link to download the Activity Sheet on "An Astrologer's Day'

Tuesday 8 June 2021

History of Novel MCQ Test-05

  Unit 4.1 History of Novel - MCQs Maharashtra State Board, English Yuvakbharati Class-12  History of Novel MCQs -Class 12 The History of No...