Tuesday 16 March 2021

Blog Writing

                                                                      Blog writing


 •          The term Blog is a contraction of the word ‘Weblog’.

         It is a discussion or informational text, published on the internet.

        Now a days  blogs have gained popularity as a medium of expression and                 communication

        It is a platform where a writer or group of writers shares their views on an                     individual subject.

        Each entry is called post.

        Educational blogs, Travel blogs, Fashion blogs etc. are some examples blogs.

Benefits of Blog Writing

      Blog refines your thoughts

      Enhances  your skills as a writer

      Blog increase knowledge

      Blogs connect you with large audience

      Blogs develops new perspectives

      Blogs reward the ‘new age’ publishers

      Blogs reward the creator.

How to write a Blog Post in Five Easy Steps:

    Step-1 Choose a topic.Then create an outline, conduct a research and check the                      facts.

    Step-2  Give an attractive and catchy TITLE

    Step-3 Have an introduction, lead and concluding paragraph that sums up the blog                 post. You can add your personal experience.

  Step-4  Use images to enhance your post, add humour and  explain complex topics.

 Step-5 Edit your blog post. Make sure to avoid repetition. Keep sentences and                  paragraphs short.\

Que.            Write a blog on the topic ‘Earth with no Trees’
                     No Trees………No Oxygen……….No Life.

Friends, today I was very nervous . By roadside I saw some workers were cutting down healthy green trees. Seeing that activity I was very much depressed and thinking that if there were no trees on the earth what would happen? Can we imagine earth without trees? How the earth would look like without trees?

           I think if there are NO TREES on the earth then there are NO human beings on the earth. Trees are on the most important factors on the earth and  play important role in our life. Trees maintain environmental balance. It is habitat of thousands of birds, insects and animals. The most important thing is that trees provide OXYGEN to all of us. Besides, it provides fruits, flowers, shelter, wood etc. It also prevents from soil erosion.

          Trees are our real friends and earth is our mother. The earth and trees made our life comfortable. But now a days trees are being cut ruthlessly for many purposes. Due to such activities earth is turning into deserts. The Earth without trees means a baby without its mother.  We can save our mother Earth and ourselves only by planting the trees. So, will you plant trees?  I hope you will.


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Monday 15 March 2021

HSC English Question Bank

Question Bank: ENGLISH


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