Sunday, 28 February 2021

Framing Interview Questions Class-11&12


Framing Interview Questions

Imagine, you are going to interview of a ------------------- Prepare a set of 8-10 questions focusing on his / her career.


                            Common Questionnaire 

    Welcome sir/madam, good morning, glad to meet you. I would like to ask you some                 questions.

1 When did you start your Career?

Who encouraged you?

3 What is your contribution in this field?

4 What are your achievements?

5 What problems/difficulties/challenges did you face?

6 What are your future plans? 

7 Who are your role models? 

8 How do you feel now?

9 How would you serve society in future?10 To whom would you dedicate your success?

11 How would you inspire the young students?

12 What message would  like to give to the next generation?


  Thank, you sir / Madam for sharing

your thoughts, ideas, plans, achievements. Thank you for the valuable time you have given. All the best for your future plans. Good day.


         Imagine, you are going to interview of a National Award Winner Teacher’. Prepare a set of 8-10 questions focusing on his / her career.

  Good Morning sir. You are most welcome. I would like to ask you some questions.

 Q.1 How do you look at your profession?

Q. 2 Who was your favorite teacher during your school days? Why?

Q. 3 What difficulties did you face as a teacher?

Q. 4 What things motivated you to become a teacher?

Q. 5 How would you define an “Ideal Teacher’?

Q. 6 Who are your role models?

Q. 7 How would you serve society in future by teaching career?

Q. 8 What role would this award play in your life?

Q. 9 How do you feel now?

Q. 10 What is your message to the students as well as teachers?

    Thank you, sir, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. All the best for your future plans. 


Q. Prepare eight questions to take an interview of a well known social worker.

 Good Morning sir. You are most welcome. I would like to ask you some questions.

1.How did you turn to social work?

2.Who inspired you to start social work?

3.How much time do you spend for social work?

4.Who is your idol in this field?

5.Are you happy with the present situation in your field?

6.Who help you in your work?

7.What different activities are you engaged in?

8.What message would you give to us?

     Thank you, sir, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. All the best for your future plans. 


Q. Prepare eight questions to take an interview of a well known Doctor

    Good Morning sir. You are most welcome. I would like to ask you some questions.

1.When did you start your career?

2.Who motivated you to become a doctor?

3.How much time do you spend for your work?

4.Whose work in your field do you inspire most?

5.What kinds of changes do you expect in medical field?

6.Who help you in your work?

7.What different activities are you engaged in?

8.Which is your memorable incident in your field?

9.What type of life style do you adopt to remain healthy?

10.What message would you like to give us?

    Thank you, sir, for sharing your thoughts and experiences. All the best for your future plans. 





Sunday, 7 February 2021

Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

 Have You Earned Your Tomorrow

                                                                              - Edgar Guest

                                       Activity Sheet

Que.    Read the following extract and complete the activities.     (10)

 Is anybody happier because you passed his way?

      Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today?
    This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?

Did you give a cheerful greeting to the friend who came along?
Or a churlish sort of "Howdy" and then vanish in the throng?
  Were you selfish pure and simple as you rushed along the way,
Or is someone mighty grateful for a deed you did today?

Can you say tonight, in parting with the day that's slipping fast,
     That you helped a single brother of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said;
     Does a man whose hopes were fading now with courage look ahead?

Did you waste the day, or lose it, was it well or sorely spent?
     Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?
As you close your eyes in slumber do you think that God would say,
     You have earned one more tomorrow by the work you did today?

A.1 Complete the web                                                                         (2)

Complete the web by using any 4 expressions related to phrase “going away"

A.2 Write any two activities that poet expect from you to do for your better                tomorrow.                                                                                   (2)

A.3 Personal Response                                                                        (2)
      Explain how do you help the needy in the society.

A.4 Poetic Device                                                                                 (2)

       This day is almost over, and its toiling time is through"

           (Name the figure of speech in the above line and explain.)

A.5   Poetic Creativity                                                                          (2)

                Compose your own four lines on the theme of  ‘tomorrow’


 Expected Answers

A.1 Complete the web                                                                         (2)


A.2     Poet expects that-
         1. we should  greet cheerfully to the persons who comes in our way
            2. We should try to create joy in their life  
         3. We should motivate the people who have lost their hopes.  

A.3.   Personal Opinion :

          We can help the needy people in different ways. We can provide                          them financial support. Besides, We can donate food, clothes etc.                         to the needy.

A.4.   Figure of Speech - Alliteration. 
         The consonant sound 't' is repeated pleasingly.

A.5.    Poetic Creativity-

                       "No need to worry
What tomorrow may bring
Work hard today and reach high
Tomorrow you will touch the sky"


History of Novel MCQ Test-05

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